2013年12月11日 晚上11:14
今天日期数字特别 131211
韩国现在冷着呢 多穿衣服别着凉
澳洲先在夏天 但外头冷死了 还一直下雨 怎么熬啊
虽然没能和黄子韬他过 但他的声音又陪我过了一天
他说唱的声音 歌词的含义 全都听了进去
真的其实没什么大不了 可是黄子韬对我来说不是普通的重要
去了棉麻麻的Saving Santa首映支持妈妈 应该是很不错的一晚
还一直对自己说了 要存钱买相机
毕业后去韩国 要拍你了
可是应该只是空想吧 呵呵
总有一天会非常近距离看见你 和你接触 坚信着了
我会当永远的小海浪 陪黄子韬走剩下来的路
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Loving Huang Zi Tao #1
2013年12月9日 凌晨2:30
在飞机上 睡不着 突然很想开始写喜欢黄子韬的日记
机舱里的宁静冷清 始终凝结不了我对黄子韬的热忱
黄子韬这人长得帅气高大 模特儿的身材 天使般的脸孔
对他 可以说是一见钟情 从此回不了头
不只是被他样貌吸引了 他的性格可爱 简直小兔子一只
激动得晚上睡不着 一整个月都活在那15分钟里
黄子韬 这名字 对于我来说
不只是那个很努力去把自己做到最好 认为世界没有难到他的事的那个小少年
也不只是那个青春浪漫爱在海边散步 偶尔喜欢向哥们撒娇 外刚内弱 非常爱家人及成员
不只会说唱 会跳舞 会武术 会跳水 会跳高 会唱歌 有身材 有样貌 的黄子韬
他是我睡梦中的王子 现实生活中的偶像 假想中的男朋友 理想中的好老公
看见他就像打开了开心的门户 就算是照片也好 他是我的快乐来源
昨晚在车上想了很多 黄子韬他喜欢模特般的女生
还有 年下三年年上三年是最好了 可我年下韬你五年 长得也很一般
是灰心了 可是自己也知道是无法接近他的 始终也只是个饭 所以不伤心了
只要我一直喜欢着他 一直和他们十二个人走到底
黄子韬 喜欢你 我没有后悔
在飞机上 睡不着 突然很想开始写喜欢黄子韬的日记
机舱里的宁静冷清 始终凝结不了我对黄子韬的热忱
黄子韬这人长得帅气高大 模特儿的身材 天使般的脸孔
对他 可以说是一见钟情 从此回不了头
不只是被他样貌吸引了 他的性格可爱 简直小兔子一只
激动得晚上睡不着 一整个月都活在那15分钟里
黄子韬 这名字 对于我来说
不只是那个很努力去把自己做到最好 认为世界没有难到他的事的那个小少年
也不只是那个青春浪漫爱在海边散步 偶尔喜欢向哥们撒娇 外刚内弱 非常爱家人及成员
不只会说唱 会跳舞 会武术 会跳水 会跳高 会唱歌 有身材 有样貌 的黄子韬
他是我睡梦中的王子 现实生活中的偶像 假想中的男朋友 理想中的好老公
看见他就像打开了开心的门户 就算是照片也好 他是我的快乐来源
昨晚在车上想了很多 黄子韬他喜欢模特般的女生
还有 年下三年年上三年是最好了 可我年下韬你五年 长得也很一般
是灰心了 可是自己也知道是无法接近他的 始终也只是个饭 所以不伤心了
只要我一直喜欢着他 一直和他们十二个人走到底
黄子韬 喜欢你 我没有后悔
Sunday, 11 August 2013
I hate jokes about not having a brain and stuff. You knew that. The only difference you have between you and him is that he's actually joking and you're not. Instead of implying me as a brainless person, you might as well say I'm not human being. Losing my respect towards you.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Lucky bitch
It's a pain traveling with elderlies. But yeah, we got business class cuz it's a full flight. I'm like, yay! You have no idea how much I wish I don't have to return yo Malaysia. Well, I don't get to choose my life in this so-called democratic country. Fml.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
So I don't deserve to be happy ? I don't get a say in what I want ? I hate this. I hate everything.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Life is never complete.
What I'd say is, this is how you feel like when you've been wanting something for so long and finally you get a spark of hope and then you lost it. I've never wanted something this much. Never ever. I cry so easily when I'm frustrated and sad. Which is how I feel almost every day now. The other I was thinking about this and mum was scolding me and I lied to her saying that I was stressed about the 30 hour famine thing. But really I'm just really sad a disappointed I don't get to go to Australia next year. Mum said something about I don't need to go to university. Why not????!? I want to go. Singing is my plan B, I want to do something else. Maybe singing can be a hobby thing. So yeah, I told mum before that if she never wanted me to go to Australia then Tell me straight away, so I don't get my hopes high but yet she says she'll think about it. Guess what I heard her telling her friend over the phone? She said no, not in these few years at least. If only mum could give me one year, okay, one semester. If I'm not doing well, I'd willingly let her take me anywhere. I actually think it would be much better if I go to Australia. I can get a job and pay for my own spending. And I bet anything that the bond between my parents and I will be stronger if we don't see each other more often. Because seeing them everyday makes us argue abut stupid things and sometimes when mum is in a bad mood she scolds me for stupid reasons and I would be so mad. That wouldn't happen if we Skype. Cuz we will be missing each other which will make us even more appreciate each other. Plus, sometimes mum tries too hard to be in my bubble. I might not be an adult but I'm old enough to think. Being a teenage really sucked. Nobody treats you as an adult but expect you to act like one. And our thoughts were never taken seriously. In my 15 years of living I have never wanted anything more than this. And as long as I'm not there, I would be like this. I couldn't help it. I just couldn't make myself happy.
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