Friday 30 December 2011

Moves Like Jagger :D

Moves Like Jagger :D

*I've got the moves like jagger~ I've got the moves like jagger~ I've got the mo-oo-o-oo-oo move like-*
Oh, sorry I was singing. XD
that song was stuck in my head, damn.
and i still remember zach singing and dancing along with this song XD
I swear its the funniest thing i've ever seen.
well that's a little exaggerated. XD
It's not that bad.
Just that I cant skip the fact that he cant sing. XD
sorry, Zach. X)
and guess what??? I'M BACKKKK! :D
Okay i know you dont freakin care but whatever.
cant wait to go again next December!
I'm already missing there..):
And I' not used to the hot weather here..
damn it I'm sweating all day.
Ugh.. just had a cold shower and it felt sooo good! :D
so how are you people going to spend the upcoming year??
I think I wont wanna change anything about it. :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Maybe I will never be who I was before :/

Maybe I will never be who I was before :/

#Day 17
It's suppose to be day 19 but I don't know why.
I'm going back tomorrow! finally!
I'm missing malaysia,
but I definitely don't feel like leaving here.
Guess I'll come back here next Christmas! yipee!
spent time chilling at home today.
so, yeah..
and then we went say goodbye to uncle peter and grandma.
its so late right now and im still packing, but im actually done, just an excuse to stay awake.
zomg midnight already. ugh.
nobody in the house is even getting ready to sleep.
we're acting likes its in the afternoon or something.
I'm so bored.
and i havent get souvenirs. XD
i'll go tomorrow morning.
that means i have to wake up at 7 in the morning just to get some freakin souvenirs...-,-
and im not sure if i'll wake up that early anyway.
but i have to reach the airport by 11.30am
dang. I think i gotta go.


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Take me down like I'm a domino (:

Take me down like I'm a domino (;

#Day 16
im in serious hype today :DD
went to the boxing day sale and it was AMAZING and of course, insane.
i bought a lot of clothes. i mean heaps.
my stepsister were there for 7 hours non-stop.
but went there 2 hours later so, you know..
you can see she's really serious about shopping because she didnt even wear heels.x)
im so tired right now.
i mean my whole body is so sore..
after all the squeezing and the walking.
oh, i suddenly thought of going back to malaysia.
i seriously dont want to.
its fun here.
but fun times must have a end though.
im moving here .
the soonest is next year.
it depends.
I'll miss malaysia but i like it here.
i dont know why..
but i have to move here anyway.
so why not come earlier and let the pain go faster??
i guess this is it..
so, yeah.... :/

p/s: i made some gingerbread man the day before. take a look. i made them myself X)

Monday 26 December 2011

Look into my eyes and I'll own you :D

Look into my eyes and I'll own you :D

#Day 15
Hey everyone! :D
happy boxing day :) and please be notice that there is 2 new posts. I didnt post it on facebook because they say i'm not freakin allowed to.
if you dont know what is that,
here is it.
'I don't know either!' haha XD
it's just the day after Christmas is called boxing day.
i don't know why, don't ask me.
i don't think its the sport 'Boxing'
its like something related to box.
I'm just saying, maybe it's true. :?
went to nowhere today.
well, just chilling at home.
so i'm like, practically living in this place.
went for a walk a the park again.
this time the skate park is filled with skateboarders and bikers.
maybe its because its cooler in the evening.
and after that i went for a car ride with my dad and we drove around Mt Barker.
which is where i live.
we didn't actually drove by every street because that's impossible.
its not a big place here but if you go around it,
you can actually see that its not small either.
and we drove past the place that my dad left his boat at.
he bought an old boat and renew it.
so that means we're going on a cruise with the whole family next Christmas! x)
that'll be fun.
just hope that i won't get sea-sick.x)
I'm going shopping tomorrow.
so i think i better gather my stuffs and go to sleep now.

Sunday 25 December 2011

I hear melodies, when your heart beats :D

I hear melodies, when your heart beats :D

#Day 14
I've receive tons of christmas presents today.
I never received that many presents in my life!
well, mostly because my family in malaysia doesnt celebrate Christmas.
but my new family here in australia does! :D
My parents woke me up at 11am this morning because they have to give me my present.
my dad gave me an electronic guitar which he made himself.
yes, I'm not joking.
he made it himself.
from scratch.
and my mother didnt gave me anything, because she doesn't know what to get.
but she said she'll buy me something when we get back to malaysia.
I said new phone or new computer XD
I've got a lot of chocolates.
so i think you might not recognize me when school reopens. X)
its fun anyway.
we ate all day long today.
at noon, we went to grandma's place to have lunch.
and then we went to aunt aphy's for dinner.
we were having a feast!
gosh, i think i dont have to eat for a whole week now.
haha. just joking.
but to tell the truth, I'm really STUFFED. ahhhhhh...
so i think i should go now.
i'm not sure if boxing day sale is tomorrow.
I have to go to the mall either tomorrow or the day after.
so i better get in bed, just in case.
its not early here now though.



Saturday 24 December 2011

Be my date this Christmas eve, Be my holiday, my dream (:

Be my date this Christmas eve, Be my holiday, my dream (:

#Day 13
its Christmas eve!
so whats up people? any plans?? :D
I have been walking about these few weeks.
hm. have some blisters. oww.
and my toe hurts.. a lot..
it feels like someone accidentally stepped on it 10 times and got ran over by a bus and then got stung by a bee.
well, thats a little exaggerated.. heh
went to lobethal to see some Christmas lights.
Its beautiful. (:
and went for last minute Christmas shopping today.
and I ended buying a lot of things for myself.. XD
well, i'm not the one paying.. X)
so thats fine with me.
I bought a moustache necklace at diva.
which i really like.
i think i'll post the photo tomorrow.
since i'm lazy.
and if i don't get to bed by 12am.
i can't get my present.
oh, speaking of that.
i have to go..
PEACE-and-OUT (:

p/s: have a merry Bieber Christmas guys! :DD

Friday 23 December 2011

All I want is you this Christmas (;

All I want is you this Christmas (;

#Day 12
Time really flies..
and I'm super hyper today! :DD
I saw Zach again! dd:
we walked down the car and we wanted to go to woolworths.
and then dad said he wanna buy something at the newsagency,
so i waited outside.
before he went in, he called my name,
i was like 'Whatttt??' *walks in*
then i saw him looking thru greeting cards.. just by the entrance.
my mom and dad was like,
'hi, our hot water problem is solved'
i just stood there, freaking out.
but still, I manage to say 'hi'.(its a 'HI')
look at the word and you'll understand how soft i said it.
I saw him walking to his car.
number plate : xng 272
okay i'm not a creep.
i just looked at it and manage to remember. i'll forget very very very soon. probably tomorrow.
we went in woolworths and i said i was going to the lollies section.
and i saw him again. looking thru chocolates or something similar.
such coincidence, eh? o.O
but whatever.
oh, and we went to the park today.
its really nice there.
and on the way back,
this jerk (probably 2 years older than me, brunette), threw rocks at us. whatsoever.
such a huge jerk. racist.
i'm asian so what?! I'm proud being one.
oh and btw, my parents reported to the police. (peoples here likes the police station, okay??-,-)
and even the police knew him.
he's got a HUGE lots of problems.
and the police suggested me to knock on his door and ask him to be my friend! lol. so not going to happen.
i'm done here.
hmm.. such a great day. (I never cared about that jerk) :D

p/s: here are some photos, including yesterday (:
Nice, eh? dd:

sunset :D



the dudes are resting. #noshow

gingerbread man 

Thursday 22 December 2011

Beach & Boys :D

Beach & Boys :D

#Day 11
woohoo! (:
I had a great time at the beach today! :DD
oh, and I almost forgot I missed having eating glutinous rice balls today! :(
i could always have those when i get back.
whats important is that I had fun! :D
went to cold rock to get ice-creams.
their ice-creams are great.
and they crush candies, chocolate bar or whatever in your ice-cream.
all you need to do is take your pick (:
i want to go there again!
i miss the beach so much..
and we went for a evening stroll by the beach too.
watching the sunset is so relaxing..
ahhh.. living the life.. (x
i saw never say never director's fan cut here!
but its so expensive.
and under the mistletoe fan pack deluxe.
damn. I really want them..../:
i should really stop thinking about it. *sigh*
i think i better sleep early, since its about 11pm here.
going to have a walk at the park tomorrow morning.
and check out the skateboarding rink.
maybe i could make some friends X).

p/s: computer have some problem, can't upload photos. next time i guess. (:

Wednesday 21 December 2011

It's gotta be you :)

It's gotta be you. :)

#Day 10
today is such a wonderful day! X)
I woke up at 12 something. pretty early. XD
I'm in a good mood alright.
and the plumber came and fix our hot water in the afternoon.
the younger one (so-called apprentice), was FRIGGIN hawt! :D
his name was Zach.
I think he's about 17.
and blonde. I'm into blonde guys.hehe. 
I really like his shaggy blonde hair and with a hint of brown underneath. hm. (:
zomg. finally, somebody thats actually good-looking.
but he had this accent that is really hard to understand.
well at least my mom doesn't understand. 
I think its not that hard.
but he's just a plumber dude anyway.
so whatsoever i'll never see him again.
not if my house has something wrong with the hot water again.
haha. anyway, its berry season. 
that means i can have as much cherries i could! yay! 
i've being chewing on them for the past 10 days XD
heading to the beach tomorrow, yipeeeeess!! (: :D
okay then. off to dreamland about Zach. XD just joking. I dont like him that way.
PEACE-and-OUT (:

p/s: saw Zach dancing around singing 'Moves Like Jagger'. heh XD

Tuesday 20 December 2011

What makes you beautiful :D

What makes you beautiful :D

#Day 9
hey everyone! (:
woah i cant believe I've been here for so long already!
I dont wanna go back to Malaysia...XD
its so fun here. haha.
went to rundle mall today.
Do some Christmas shopping.
i bought one direction's album..(:
hmmm.. nice songs.. and i like zayn XD
okay, but justin is always number one x)
i dont understand why people hates justin..
he's successful. (:
maybe they're just jealous XD haha.
Just kidding.
okay, to that someone, if you're reading this.
why are acting so weird lately??
i dont understand.
i felt like you hiding something.
why not just say that out loud?? /:
you like your last name?? XD
so did you get your surprise??? :D
never mind if you havent. just asking anyway.
so, alright. gotta go (:
so true. (:
just a joke

Monday 19 December 2011

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you (:

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you (:

#Day 7 (this is from yesterday)
the wedding went great and everything.
i met all my new cousins. well, not all.
one did not attend.
i don't think i ever had that many cousins in my life.
well, i'm not really close to the cousins on my dad's side.
and i don't like to go there too.
so lets talk about my new cousins.
James is smart-looking. (he's currently bold, because he just came back from military trianing. i think he'll look better if he's not bold.XD btw, he's a SUPER-slow eater..XD)
Amelia is really pretty. by that i mean REALLY.
Nicholas is very charming. he's a wrestler. they said he beat the asia champion.LOL
Kosta is quite a quiet person. i havent really heard him talk. not even a word.
oh and melissa, she's the one that didnt attend because she's in melbourne or somewhere around australia.
these are just my point of view anyway.
we went to a greek restaurant.
the food was REALLY good.
and it cost us a fortune.
RM2000++ for 17 person. LOL
but they serve good food...X)
its only for special occasions anyway.
okay then



Saturday 17 December 2011

my heart's a stereo that only plays for you :D

my heart's a stereo that only plays for you :D

#Day 6
so happy today!
my stepdad spent RM600+ (means 200 dollars) for shopping.
just a dress, a cardigan, a cute top and some bracelets.
and oh, another bottle of nail polish.
i think my stepdad's wallet is bleeding and nearly died XD just joking.
i was actually looking forward to what he'll get me for christmas.
the dress is for tomorrow, my mom's wedding.
the one she had in malaysia is just a ceremony thingy.
i think im missing a lot of things out, eh? :(
they say its gonna be cold and raining tomorrow.
well at least the weather man said so.
please dont rain! :/
ah never mind. i will be curling up in bed if you're looking for me. XD
i've been missing you guys, A LOT.
zomg, i have to wake up at 7am tmr. shoot me now. /.\
so if i miss something out, tell me? :/ guess so.
so, i think i better go do my nails. dd: hehe.
oh, i forgot the RACHEL THING.
PEACE-and-OUT. (:

Friday 16 December 2011

just the way I like it :)

just the way I like it :)

#Day 5
I've been here for 5 days! lol
15 days to go! :D
i'm enjoying myself here.
I'm actually starting to like this place.
just that they dont have a lot of stuff we had back in malaysia.
otherwise its perfect
oh. and the weather.
i dont really like the weather.
its either very cold or very hot. lol
had dinner with my NEW aunt and uncles today.
they're really nice and hilarious too.
just like my stepdad. haha.
uncle 1: I ask her why didnt she buy the DVD. the DVD's got everything.
uncle 2: Did she tell you thats none of your business??
okay, if you dont get it, its okay.
its funnier when you're actually there.
i think mark around is something that runs in their family.
i mean, who knows?
maybe one of their ancestor is a monkey. XD
oh wait, monkeys are everybody's ancestor.
okay I'm losing my mind.
I guess thats all for today.
heading towards town tomorrow to buy new clothes! yipeeees!! :DD

Thursday 15 December 2011

forcing laughters, faking smiles

forcing laughters, faking smiles.

#Day 4
today is the hottest day since I've got here.
nothing much today.
we got out and had dinner with my stepsister and stepbrother.
they're very nice, and likes Justin too. hehe.
we had dinner in this decent mexican restaurant.
nice food there.
thanks for my stepbrother, Paris' suggestion.
after that, Paris brought us to a very trendy dessert place called 'Elephant Walk'.
we had dessert and everybody felt sick because we had too much food. haha.
then we sent them home and went home.
its about 12am now.
mom's asking me to go to sleep,
so i think i better go.

p/s: just be notice that I'm planning on changing my blog URL soon. because 'SOMEONE' is starting to stalk this thing. which I dont really like.

ignore me and look and the scenery. (: 

Tuesday 13 December 2011

a bike is all you need (:

a bike is all you need. (:

#Day 3
hi! :D
finally! a hotter day!
but well, its still cold.
only the sun that is hot, the wind is really cold.
you'll only get warm when you're standing at place which actually have sunlight.
or else the cold breeze will probably freeze you to death.
didnt go anywhere today.
at home listening to music and chilling.
and non-stop eating candies!!
i really have to cut that down.
i cant keep eating candies all day long!
i should really set myself a limit.
the whole street is so quiet.
not really used to it..
and if they're having a 'WORST LAWN' contest,
our house would probably win.
it looks like it has been attacked by aliens XD
okay, that might be a little exaggerated.
ooooh! the biker dude living across the street is taking off.
i can see from my window.
i like his bike dd:
guess thats all for today.

Monday 12 December 2011

'I used to', means 'I'm not' now

'I used to', means 'I'm not' now

first day here at Australia.
i didnt really slept on the plane last night.
its 3am (our time) something and I'm still watching movie.
i got tired and I slept.
and and at 4am, the filght attendance start serving us breakfast.
who eats breakfast at 4 o'clock in the morning?? jeez
and then i cant sleep back so i just sit there and be bored.
the clouds are beautiful,
if only i could walk on them. XD
i know thats crazy but, well, let me dream! XD
we reached adelaide at about 6am. (our time, its 2 and a half hours late here)
my stepdad came and fetch us home.
i cleaned my room.
its really easy because its practically empty.
momzilla agree to paint my room purple! yipees! :D
we went to the local supermarket and bought some stuffs.
and i saw a lot of candies! i wanted to buy them all but my teeth will probably rot half way eating.
its so cold here.
how funny that its cold during summer.
its almost like genting, but colder i guess.
i guess i'm done here.
look at the sky. :DD 

Shay, you want some? haha. i'll probably save one for you XD

I happen to find these at the supermarket. I'm still chewing on them now haha.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town ;D

went to watch 'Arthur Christmas' with Shay today.
and yeah, Pavilion again. haha
the whole point watching that movie is because of Justin's Video. haha.
he's so friggin hawt!
we 2 fellow beliebers are holding on to each others hands so tight.
i'm about to scream when i saw it playing.
but i hold back the urge.
because i know that shay would do something bad to me if i scream.
haha just kidding.
Shay is a nice person. (i really dont want to say this XD)
well nice but sometimes a little TOO random and TOO weird and TOO dramatic. XD
after the movie we like walk around.
and i bought another bottle of nail polish.
oh did i mention i changed my nail colour?
part of it is because they started chipping off.
and also because my nails grow. so they dont look good anymore.
i painted my ring finger silver and rest of them purple. (:
i love the colour. :D
and yeah, momzilla went to sg wang today and bought me 2 pairs of sunglasses for the australia trip.
one of them was purple (Y)
oh shoot, i haven even pack half and we're leaving on sunday! /.\
i guess i'm done here.

p/s: Justin's Someday fragrance just got named "Fragrance of the Year". and '#Someday' trended on twitter after 15mins he tweeted it! woah. the power of BIEBER. :D
very BLURRY. i know. post more next time.

BLURRY too. we dont have time. @cinema.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

santa's here to get you XD

hey everyone! (:
Justin's new video is out! an hour ago!
nothing much to say about today.
I've been looking up to quotes and managing my new tumblr today.
i forgot my last tumblr's password and even the URL. so,
i created a new one.
My Tumblr (:
the URL kinda sucks. just for temporary.
the one i want was taken. so. screw it.
I'm going to Australia soon.
zomg. i dont actually know what can i do there.
other than meeting my stepsisters.
oh well, maybe we could go shopping together.
or maybe go to the beach. its summer there.
i guess im done here.

here's the link to Justin's new video:
Santa Claus is Coming To Town

p/s: Shayanne Dorkus. you happy? -,- XD

Friday 2 December 2011

i will make it to the top someday. just not today (:

i will make it to the top someday. just not today (:

hey hey hey! :)
nothing much to write about today.
i got bored so i came here.
that someone i call stupid (and he call me stupid too) didnt sms with me because he's playing the 'im gone' game. LOL, i know.
hey stupid. dd:
4 more days and you'll text me. cant freakin wait :D
okay i promised you that next time we hangout again and take picture together.
but you have to promise me that you wont disappear again. XD
lets go gold class again!
but make sure you're the one paying XD
you havent MMS me your photo! haha.
you owe me one. x)
haha. i'm such a pro.
keep making you break the rule and text me back.
even funnier. you texted me yourself yesterday. XD
thanks for the 'no-air-conditioner-night' that night (:
although i dont really know if you really turned off your air conditioner.
but never mind. i trust you (:
so im still counting down.
text me okay (:
stupid miss you. :D

Thursday 1 December 2011

the girl who always wanted to smile

the girl who always wanted to smile

well, today is suppose to be a happy day.
but well, something didn't turn out right.
so i rather spend this happy day being moody. whatsoever.
being happy today is because Justin's new video is out.
and his twitter follower just reached 15million yesterday.
congrats to Justin!
two years ago, i fell in love with this boy wearing a grey hoodie and sings 'One Time'
and now i still am.
Justin grew up a lot. but still, he's awesome.
Bieber haters should shut up because they didn't realease 5 albums, a movie, a book, sold out madison square garden in 22 minutes, have 15million fans, won 59 awards, and being nominated for 65 awards.
i know i sounded like a total freak but well, this is me.
the me who's obsess with Justin Bieber.
i dont really feel like talking about why being moody.
so i think i should just skip that part.
guess im done for today.

here's the link to Justin's new video :
All I Want For Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!) ft Mariah Carey

p/s: its no smileys and emoticon day. hah.
pp/s: oh and i almost forgot, its the one year anniversary for #PRAY yesterday.